...... there was an ornery ole sea
captin' whose Daddy named 'im, Lawrence Bartholomew Johnson. Friends an' Mateys were allowed ta call
WITH RESPECT! Now, Captin' Lawrence Bartholomew
was a pirate an' a good one at that .... well, he wasn't exactly good, but he was good at what he did. And that, my
friend, was bein' bad!
A good pirate sails the seas with vengence an'
whenever he comes upon another pirate ship, he raises the jolly roger
flag. This means, "Surrender....or
else!" Somehow, when the canon's
stopped roarin’ and the balls stopped shootin’, it was always Captin' Lawrence Bartholomew’s
ship that sailed away with the loot! To
keep all of 'is stuff, the ole captin'
had a huge room down below the deck, where all of 'is treasures and loot was
One day, 'is first mate Sully said, "Captin'
Bart, what you gunna be doin' with all that stuff?"
"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr", said the
Captin', That be me own business an' you jes' pay it never mind!"
So, the Captin's treasure room grew bigger and
bigger ..... and fuller and fuller!
"Don't ye think ye have enough stuff now,
Captin'?" asked Jacob, 'is second mate, after coming back from another
sucessful raid. Ole Lawrence Bartholomew just gave 'im the evil
eye and payed 'im never mind!
soon, the treasure room grew so full that it began ta take over the whole ship! There was no room left fer sailer’s quarters!
"Don't ye think we have enuff Captin'?" asked
his third mate, Aloysius. Can't we be
sortin' through some of this here stuff and see’in what ye have? Me thinks we can be sharin' it with some of
our pirate brothers who aint been so lucky!" he said.
"Lookie here," said the Captain. "This be my stuff and I be deciden' what
to do with it. Ya hear?
Well, what they began hearin' were creakin' and
crackin' noises comin' from boards all over the ship. Seems, the weight of the Captin’s cargo was
jest too much! But the stubborn old man
paid it never mind, en jest kept on
addin' more and more loot! Sailors began
packin' ther bags en leavin'….. because there were no more room for them ta
sleep! Only his dog and loyal first mate,
Sully, stayed behind.
"Captin' sir," said Sully one day, "this here ship be sinkin' soon, Davy Jones' locker be it’s destination!”
“It be my ship,” said Captin' Lawrence Bartholomew,
“and ye be minden' yer own business!”
That is all he said.
The day arrived when the Captin' found a note
from 'is friend. It read, "I be
goin' now sir”, And it
was signed, your First Mate, Sully.
“Go, then be on yer way,” shouted the stubborn
ole man, waving his arms in the air.
Now, Captin' was all by 'imself except for 'is faithful ole dog,
Dawg. Dawg stayed close by and never
left 'im. This was the first time the
ole captain 'ad ever felt a feelin' of bein' alone. Fer the first time he got ta thinkin' ….
“Hmmmm”, he said. Maybe 'is friends
were right!
Then it happened.
I really don’t like ta talk much about this, but thanks be to God
that it 'as a happy endin'! It could
have been so much worse! A big crack
appeared across the ship’s helm and poor Dawg fell into the ocean and nearly drowned! Sorely devastated, the ole Captin' sat down
ta think. His sailers were gone, his
friends were gone an' now ….. he 'ad come so close to loosin' his faithful dog,
Sully, his first mate 'ad taken' a job
repairin' ships and workin' with orphans on a little lighthouse island back
home. Captin' wanted to go visit im, but he was jest
too darn proud ta admit it! Well, one
night, that choice was made fer 'im. The
wind rose so strong that it nearly ripped off the sails from 'is ship. The sky was black – not a star dared ta
shine! All captin' could do was hunker
down an hold 'is faithful dog, Dawg close,
while he tried ta steer 'is ship away from the terrible storm. But the storm followed im!
Then he saw it.
A very bright light in the distance.
Captin' Lawrence Bartholomew followed that light an found it was the
lighthouse from Lighthouse Island where 'is friend an first mate Sully lived. Sully was takin' care of the lights that
night and when he saw 'is old friend’s ship he prayed ta God, asking Him ta
bring Captain Bart’s ship safely ta shore.
God answered Sully’s prayers an the tired ole ship finally came into
harbor an found a safe place ta rest.
The weary ole Captain and 'is dog, were surprised ta see their good
friend Sully comin' out to meet em!
Next day the sun rose as though nothin' had
ever happened. The people of the island
came out ta see what the storm had done.
They all hugged each other tightly an promised ta help each other
rebuild. Seems there was a problem
though. They needed money ta buy
supplies an the people of Lighthouse Island were very poor.
Ole Captin' looked around. The people’s faces were sad but they were
speakin' words of hope an encouragement ta each other. One small girl, in particular,got his attention. Handing out scones, she made sure every one had something to eat!
"God bless you," she would say!
"Mighty peculiar," the Captin thought to 'imself. Imagine, loosin all of yer stuff. Just the thought made Captin' shudder. He looked over at 'is ship and then he had un
unexpected idea. He 'ad all the stuff
right there on 'is own ship that the people needed to rebuild. The ole Captin' smiled a smile so deep that it
tickled 'is toes and wiggled 'is ears!
Walkin' over to 'is ship, Captin' Lawrence Barthalamew
went straight ta 'is room full of loot.
Then he began bringin' it all out an settin' it where the people could
see. He motioned to 'is old friend Sully
fer help.
“Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”, said the Captin', with his
head hangin' low. “I be ashamed te be
looking at ye all today. Ye see, this
here room full of loot which I be offerin' ya to keep …… I be a wonderin' if
there be somethin' in there that be yours already! Captin' snorted an' wiped his cheek. I be wantin' ye all to take what ye need now
and use it …. an the coins an treasure
will be used fer buildin' a new school an a hospital fer this here town.
“Captin Lawrence Bartholomew Johnson, Sir”, said the little girl with the big heart, “When I grow up, I want to be jest like you.” The ole Captin' pulled on his beard, puzzled
by what the little girl 'ad said.
"What be yer name Lassie?" he inquired.
"Haley Blue," replied the little girl, rosy cheeks smiling.
“Don’t you see it?” said Sully, “It doesn’t
matter what ya were or what ya did in the past. What is important is, who ya are and what ya
be doin now!”
Captin' Lawrence Bartholomew knelt down and looked into the little
girl's eyes. A salty ole tear rolled down
'is cheek. Everyone watched to see what would
happen next. Little Haley smiled as the
ole Captin' reached into 'is torn pocket and pulled out a handful of
pearls. “These be yers” he said as he
fastened them 'round her neck.
“Thank you Captin' Lawrence Barthalomew Johnson
sir,” she said with a smile and the ornery ole sea captin' smiled back and said,
“Call me Captin' Bart ….. jest, call me Captin' Bart!”