Monday, January 21, 2013

Only a child could realize this ..... as a teacher at a Christian School, I was always trying to make our "Creative Writing" sessions fun. Homework was another thing that I tried to make interesting ..... since we all know, IT'S A BUMMER! This one nite, I sent home an assignment asking my kids to write a short paragraph describing what it would be like if, while they were at home .... the telephone rang, they answered ..... and it was Jesus. How would that make them feel? What things would they like to tell Him and what do you suppose that He would say? As I was reading over the results, I came to this one page ..... it only had one sentence, but that one sentence said enough to make me stop and do some serious thinking: I would say, "Jesus, why are you calling me on the telephone when you can talk to me in my heart?" The profound faith and wisdom of a third grader! (O:

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