Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rambling ......

What I want.... is not to be confused with what I need. And what I need .... is not always what I want. God places Himself in front of us sometimes, not to bring us distress, but to save us from it. Personally, on this side of the election ...... Obama's win troubles me. I think back on the old testement story, where the children of Israel insisted on having their own King. The Lord said, "But I am your King." Seems He wasn't good enough for them though ...... all of the other nations around them had "real kings" and they wanted to be like everyone else.

Israel's Kings took them in many directions, some far away from God, but their hearts did not have to follow where it was not their desire to go. As this nation continues to ignore the God of the Bible, looking for answers and salvation elsewhere, it will suddenly find itself where it doesn't want to be and wonder why. Many will see and admit that their new god is actually Greed.  Materialism is their new savior.....and their lives are directed by Irresponsibility.

Greed, Materialism and Irresponsibility. This is the Unholy Trinity too many of us serve today. We have become greedy, irresponsible, stuff junkies. Ouch, that hurts but there is no use in denying it. What we don't have, quite often is not because we didn't have the money to buy it. Rather, it's usually because we already spent that money somewhere else and we can't spend it twice. We resent having to pay for priorities although a day without food, clothes, a place to live, a warm shower, heat or airconditioning would not be our ideal either. So we beg, borrow or expect others to provide for our habits and take care of us.....and this is how we loose respect for ourselves.

We do it to ourselves. So, we buy more stuff we can't afford....to make us feel better now. It never really works though and we loose more self esteem, become angry and envious and see ourselves as victims of other people's behaviors and actions ..... when it is really our own choices and refusal to deal with out own attitudes and behaviors that have brought us to this place.

Ok, at this point I am talking about me. I am preaching to a choir of one. Maybe one day, when I can figure out how to get my act together I can write a best seller ..... though, I think it has already been written and it is called the Bible. Until then, I will just go back to the directions and manual I came with.

When I stand before I God, I won't have to answer for the sins of the rich ..... how or where they got their money, or why. I will be responsible for how and where I got mine and what I did with it. That's the scariest part! Greed and irresponsibility is wrong, whether practiced by poor or rich. The governments's enabling of this irresponsible spending and promoting the thinking that "we all deserve what ever we want" is pure dysfunction.

More people are becoming takers now than givers, but that is not because the givers don't want to give. It is because, taking, has become too easy. Many have become discouraged in working and having their wages hijacked ..... deciding entitlement is the way to go. Therefore, many will depend on a few to take care of them until one day ...... we will have to come up with a new politically correct plan: How to make something out of nothing and still keep everybody content. We will all be poor and happy then ...... I think.

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