Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 A few weeks back, as we waited quietly beside Marlene's bedside, we didn't really expect that the very next day, she would be awake, alert and doing so well. When we expressed our amazement, she smiled and said,

"The light wasn't on!"
As a nurse, Marlene knew the importance of responding to the light. When a light went on, she was there. Marlene also knew that there was another light which she would respond to one day and she looked forward to meeting that Light, face to face.
On Monday, July 25, 2016, Marlene found the Light on. No longer out of breath, she ran down the heavenly corridors to meet her Savior, Jesus Christ.
Christ's purpose has been fulfilled in Marlene's life. Now He has called His faithful servant home. We will shed tears, our loss is great .... and we will talk about the great lady whom we all admire so much.
We will look for Marlene out of habit and breathe a sad sigh when we remember that she cannot be with us at this time. But, we will rejoice with her and the angels, and celebrate her homecoming in a land, not so far away, where Jesus is the Light and there is no more darkness.

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