Friday, September 25, 2020

 An elephant is a noble beast of burden. Sharing the room with one can be a bit, "all consuming," but they are other-wise amiable creatures. Swinging trunks and tails and tusks are how they operate. Unsuspecting lolly-gaggers may loose their footing but will surly, bounce back.

Donkeys are very down to earth, burden lifters. That toothy smile can be deceiving, but genuine when you get to know it. They are a bit untrusting when you come from behind and their kick can knock you into the next election year, but just announce yourself and let them know that you friend, not foe.

Having a donkey in the room, can be "all assuming". Assuming, that is, there is something to assume and there usually is. The elephants generally provide it. The only burden presently which the donkeys have not been able to bear is, the elephants. And likewise.

Elephants and donkeys didn't ask to become a part of our political system. They would be otherwise friends. One is slow and thoughtful ... but solid. The other is quick and progressive. Nothing wrong with that. We need both. We just also need some wisdom in the mix.

So whether you decide to ride a donkey into the 2020 elections or an elephant, just don't be one.


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