Sunday, January 5, 2020

Resistance training is good. It's when you get really angry and resist the urge to cut somebody down. Or, somebody offends and you decide not to strike them back. You want something really bad and turn it down because you know it is not good. You pay your bills first. You discipline yourself before you judge others … and do more listening than talking.

Then, there's making that choice to go to the gym and work out, eat right and be positive when it's a real struggle. This is all Resistance Training at it's best. Just do it and be better for it. Folks really will notice. And if they don't, who cares? You are doing this for you, not them.

Oh and resist the temptation to give up … set your resolution and stick with it. I'd say you will be doing so well next year about this time that you won't need to do anything new, but … you will see the value and want to. 

Resistance training. Resist comparing yourself to others. Be the best that you can be, yourself. Don't expect others to live up to your expectations either. Help them to meet their own goals.

Have a Happy New Year, one day at a time. Be thankful and share with others. Many will struggle and want what you have. Tell them what you did to achieve what you have. Invite them to join you in the challenge. Because that is what it is, a challenge. And if they don't want to take it, they will stay right where they are. 

Let the forces of challenge and resistance work FOR you. That's the way it was meant to be.

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