The Eclipse Of Love
Object lesson from nature. When the moon passes between the sun and earth, darkness prevails. As Christians, when we position ourselves between God and man, in a way that they see us but not Him, that is interrupting and not serving His purpose.
God is holy and even Moses could not look upon His face and live. Moses had to turn his back, as he listened to God speak. No special eclipse glasses for him. Just respect for and an awareness of God's awesome and all consuming presence.
There was also a time when God could not bear to look upon the sins of mankind. It would have been much like us looking upon the Holy Face of God. We, just like Moses could not have withstood it. And God hated the sight of sin, above all else. Holy God couldn't look upon man's sin. Sinful Man could not look upon God. What could be done, to bring us back together again?
A couple thousand years ago, a man named Jesus was born. His purpose was to break the power of sin and darkness over mankind and most importantly, to allow the light of life to shine into and through our troubled souls. This required a sacrifice. His life for ours.
At the cross of Jesus, Most Holy God meets with awkward sinners and says, "It's ok. You can look Me in the face now. My Son Jesus has made a way."
A once dark grave burst forth with light, not because the stone was rolled away and the light of day came through. Far greater yet, it was because the Light of Life filled that dark cavity and the stone could no longer stay in place. That day, the Roman Soldiers who were guarding the grave of Jesus ran from the light. They didn't have special eclipse glasses to protect them from the light and such glasses wouldn't have helped anyway.
Now, we meet with God, face to face. But His Holy Nature causes us to feel uncomfortable, guilty. So we put on our religious glasses. He reaches out and says, "Here, let me take those glasses and give you something better. If you know my Son Jesus Christ, you can know Me also. Don't be afraid to seek my face."
That one dark day, when Jesus hung on the cross between heaven and earth, God, The Father couldn't bear to look upon His own Son because of the sin of mankind that He was bearing. But Love intervened, passing between sinful man and Holy God.
It's a new day folks. If God can love you, you can love others. Period. Stop the excuses. God made a way when there was no way and He did it for us, not Him.
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