A Trump campaign mailing is sitting on my counter top. It could just as well be a Bernie or Hillary flyer. None of them represent me. In a few short monthes, we will see a Donald, a Bernie or a Hillary as the face of our political parties though.
A presidential candidate needs to demonstrate self control in his own life, if HE expects us to think he can handle the disciplines of the Oval Office. A presidential candidate also needs to set the standard for truth and integrity if SHE expects us to believe she can honestly lead our nation. Having a self described socialist living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue doesn't agree with me either. Even if HE claims his form of socialism is the basic, mild, "vanilla flavored" form.
We need a strong leader in the white house. One who is full of character. Not one who is full of himself. Humility is a noble trait, it's not easy and only the strong can handle it.
Webster's Dictionary defines socialism as the form of society where government owns and controls all major industries. It also adds that according to Marxist Theory, socialism is the transitional stage between capitalism and communism. Yes and once you get your foot in the door, you are halfway in. That's all it takes to bring the other foot around.
According to Forbes Opinion: The Majority of Danish politicians intuitively believe that, "capitalists are an unpleasant necessity to generate the revenues to fund the social welfare state." Capitalists were a minority that simply should be tolerted for their contributions.... Denmark, by the way, has the highest total tax pressure in the world.
Anybody that is old enough to have followed the Clinton's escapades throughout the years, knows that they are no stranger to controversy. They want power and they have built up a group around them who can be "paid off" to keep their secrets. One of these days, " Them bones are going to rise again ...." Hopefully they will not take up new residence in the white house. I am sure though, there would be a grand reunion take place with those that were left behind ...
God help us all. Give us wisdom in the way we vote, or don't. Whoever You allow, give them understanding and let them know that YOU will personally hold them accountable. Teach them that fearing the people is one thing. Fearing YOU is another.
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