Thursday, June 24, 2021

 This is only for those with overly creative minds. (Like mine, LOL)

Hail storms bring damaged shingles, which bring many roof-repair jobs to town. When you step out my door, it sounds like the 4th of July already. Busy roofer's and their pounding hammers are all at work. So, I got to thinking. (Sorry, this happens far to often.)
What we have is a virtual percussion section here:
"TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP … tap, tap, tap."
We just need a little brass. Tuba or French horn, please.
"OOM PAPA, oom papa, OOM PAPA, oom papa … "
Perhaps a woodwind section of some sort playing the children's melody: "The More We Get Together, Together, Together; The More We Get Together, The Happier We'll Be. For Your Friends Are My Friends And My Friends Are Your Friends …"
Can you just hear it? It sounds like a 4th of July parade and the Shriners are in town... a few days early.
Just practicing and rehearsing in my mind for the big day … (O: That way, if it doesn't happen, I will still have the joy of celebrating and enjoying the moment, anyway.
Ok, so I am supposed to be cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms right now and this has more to do with procrastinating and wasting time than anything else. Eh ...
Imagination field trip over now … must return to work.

Monday, June 21, 2021

God, please help us to understand that we don't know as much as we think we do and that when we think we do, we can be as bad, or even worse ... than those who oppose us.

They are no different from us, of course, so together, divided, we can do a lot more damage and simply blame it on each other!  I guess that if we actually saw it, we would have to stop doing what we do. And we don't want to stop.

God, please forgive us for what we do and for the fact that we are not ignorant, we are just stubborn and independent.  Oh God, please forgive us and help us to break this rebellious cycle!

Dear God, if we only really knew You and the price You paid to redeem us all from this destructive force of sin ... 

We would be willing to change. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Somebody needs to do a cartoon showing this: Both sides, left and right on a giant teeter-totter. Each time the left (on the ground) gains volume and sends the right soaring up into the wild blue yonder, the left cheers and parties. Each time the right (on the ground) gains a victory, sending the left up to navigate the heights, the right cheers and parties. It would seem to be a fun game until the next box shows both left and right hobbling away with concussions on crutches ... just my overly-imaginative mind at work.

I think it possibly needs to be said as well, there are three sides represented here. The middle counts as a side too. About the only thing that could bring the far left and right together would be to oppose the middle which can come across as being pretty smug sometimes. The middle figures that if we could get rid of the far left and right, the problem could be solved more easily.

Here's a suggestion, we should all call a truce for a day, for listening and understanding. Visit each other's camps. Talk with the innocent victims on both sides and those who loved them. Listen to what their families have to say about them, about life without them; about why they had to go ...

Acknowledge each other's pain. Ask, what has been accomplished? Then, kick out the opportunists who have taken over and are drowning out the whole original message. Remind our news networks that they are there to tell the truth ... not to manipulate it.

Find a new medium ground; far enough away from the old camp sites (left, right and middle) but close enough to remember the lessons learned. These old camps would not be shrines or national monuments but rather boundaries or obvious reminders of what can so easily happen when we forget.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

 Does this apply to Senior Citizens too?

"Mithing Tooth" A Poem ...
I'm having trouble thpeaking,
Thinthe I lotht my middle tooth.
Jusht yethterday my tooth wath fine ---
Today it wiggled loothe.
At firtht I thought it thilly,
When my tooth fell out today,
But no one theems to underthtand
A thingle word I thay.
I athked my mom to clothe the door,
And she thaid, "That would be rude."
The door does not like wearing clothes;
It's happy in the nude."
I thaid a mouthe wath in my room
And she should come and thee.
She thaid, "Your mouth is on your face;
It's right where it should be."
I wonder if you underthtand
The thircumthtanthe I'm in,
I told her I was feeling thick,
She thaid, "You're looking thin!"
At latht she thaw how mad I wath,
And thought I might thtop breathing.
She laughed and thaid she didn't mean it --
She was only teething.
Kenn Nesbitt