Saturday, May 22, 2021


Digging through some old writings ... ran across this.  I definitely needed the reminder.  

A word from God:

"There is something, sayeth the Lord, that is more powerful to destroy than COVID.  It is SIN.  But you will not say it.

Would you open your door to a thief or murderer?  Would you expose your loved ones to death?

Yet, you invite sin in.  It has its own key.  I knock and sin answers.  You do not answer.  It answers for you.

I will not talk to sin.  I must talk to you.  You must decide.  I will not talk to sin.

Come outside.  Come out.  I will talk to you but you must come out to meet me.

There is a door between us.  Fear guards the door.  When I knock it answers.  Why are you afraid?  Why must somebody else answer your door?

You don't know it but I hear your heart speak.  Are you surprised?  Do you not listen to your own heart?  There is darkness and there is light.  But light is overcoming the darkness.  Will you let it?

I will speak and no one will stop Me.  Open your ears and listen.  I will not speak hate nor will I bless it.  I will judge my own first.  My heart, my heart.  Why do you distrust Me?  Why will you not listen?  Obey Me, obey Me, this is My call."

Friday, May 14, 2021

 Quarantine can possibly be hazardous to you dental health ... especially if you play games like Rummikub. (And eat snacks at the same time) I was holding a number tile in my hand and not thinking (obviously) I started to stick it in my mouth and then something said, "Don't bite down." Listen to those still small voices. They can save your teeth. (O:

Monday, May 10, 2021

 Our currency still says, "In God We Trust."

Yet, we can't agree on which God we trust in!
Now there is a new player in the ring saying:
"You are both wrong! There is not a God, after all!"

I'm banking on Jesus. My account is safe with Him. (O:

Thursday, May 6, 2021

 How important is vision? When I had been on my own for a while and was beginning to question whether I wanted to continue teaching or try something different ... I decided to book an appointment with my pastor. He was someone I greatly admired and I felt for sure, if I could just talk with him, I would have a better understanding of what I should do next. I came out pretty much disappointed ... still not knowing what to do.

LOL, as if my Pastor could tell me what to do! He did something much greater though. He asked, "What is the vision God is showing you?"
I was like, "Well, I thought maybe you would be able to help me figure that out." He replied that he could recommend the tools but I would need to apply them myself. The most important tool, was the question, "What is the vision God is showing you?
There is a scripture in the Bible where God says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". Proverbs 29:18. Evidently, vision is really important. When we loose it, our lives can become random and unfulfilling in so many ways.
Maybe you haven't lost your vision but perhaps, it is just changing. When was the last time you had a heart to heart talk with "The Vision Giver?" Did you get off track, or does He simply have a new plan for your life?
Don't waste time. He knows your heart and He will share His heart with you. You are in His heart and if you have invited Him, He is in yours. He's not that far away. Just ask. He is waiting. (O: