Monday, October 26, 2020

Facebook deleted a group I belong to, "Pray for our President." It was a conservative group, 140,000 strong . Had been on for a long time. A group simply dedicated to praying for our president and encouraging each other to stay steady in prayer.

There were rules against bullying or politicking and it was well maintained. Sometimes people would come on and taunt or try to pick fights but I never noticed anybody stooping to their level in order to answer.

I am on other groups and pages where they spew politics, slander, anger, violence, filthy language and hate. I understand this is still acceptable. Bless them all, as they activate their God given, (er) Facebook - given freedom of speech. But praying for the president? To borrow an acceptable phrase, "Come on man ..."

Mention prayer, Mr. Trump or conservative values and Facebook goes into a cancel spasm. Why is this?
Where are we going America and do you think we just might regret it once we get there? Except by that time, don't fool yourself, it will be too late. The cracks are widening for you too!

Anybody who thinks they have a special, "Get out of Jail Free," card better get a "Clue". They will soon find out that, "Life ..." it's not really a game. The lies they buy into, they are not exempt from. Even Big Brother can't hide from himself..

Friday, October 9, 2020

Frankie's Journal:
The Progressive Sniffer

Today we went for a sniff but not before I tried to eat a page of precious passwords. Serves the boss right, she kept me waiting ...
Boss doesn't talk much when we're out. Just short sentences like, "You don't have to sniff every puddle you see. Or, Just because that dog barked at you does not mean you have to poop. I am out of bags already."
Today, Boss stopped to pick up something on the ground beside us. It was a shiny copper penny! Good for you Boss! You finally picked up a cent of your own. She proclaimed with a smile, "In God we trust." Seems her mood improved greatly after that! (Note to self ... scatter a few pennies while we are out.)
So, in closing I will mention something she said, which was not very nice. It must have been pay-back for the password sheet. She said,
"Frank, your poop is move deadly than the virus. Where is my mask when I need it!"
I simply wagged my tail and ignored her. She'll find out soon enough. I ate it."

Saturday, October 3, 2020

 When I watch the Sean Feucht Worship team hold their revivals in cities around the nation I can't help but notice both black faces and white faces, shimmering with tears on their cheeks.  Skin color doesn't seem to matter.  It's what is in the heart.  And my heart cries out, "Lord, thank you that we can be united, in faith ..."