Middle Ground Gathering. Some choose the middle because neither pole feels right. Many believe truth is found on both sides and want to work it out.
This gets tricky though ... some stand frozen because they don't want to offend their peers. Both sides. We all have our own comfort zones. No matter how uncomfortable that zone gets, it is ours.
The middle is not necessarily common ground. It is really more about separating ourselves from the fighting poles. Some of us just believe in a different kind of fight. A fight to heal.
This is where we come face to face with humility and forgiveness. Some will never do that. This is where we learn to stand alone ... together. We are tired of being "hijacked" and intimidated by those who want to control us all.
We don't need poles. We don't need polls. We don't need politics. We don't even need politicians to do what we need to do right now. They are not exempt. We need forgiveness, each, from Most Holy God and a willingness to spread it.