Wednesday, June 10, 2020

There have been so many wrongs committed in the name of right, both ways, maybe we all need to take a knee for each other. Humility, forgiveness … change. It's not as easy as figuring out the equation, 1+1=2, but our world right now is not depending upon solving a mathematical equation. It is depending on us to recognize the steps and take them.
Many lines have been drawn in the sand. There have been threats to stay on your own side. There have been invitations to cross over. There has been sadness and fear on both sides.
It takes real humility to erase the lines. It takes courage to forgive. It takes humility and courage to bring real change. And you may say,
"But you speak in generalities. It is so much easier in theory than in real life."
Exactly, but why should we let that stop us? Each one of us has been given a building block. Use it to build a house, a place of habitation ... not a wall of division..

Isn't it something, that sometimes the greatest thing you can do … is what you don't ? Sometimes, just showing up is the greatest thing of all. You may have come with a plan and your plan was not needed. Don't be offended. Your presence was needed most of all. Sometimes people just need to be confirmed, they know what to do next, but just need to be confirmed and feel your support.
When the world hands you a placard that says, "Victim", do not judge them. Turn it around. On the back in bold red letters write this message, "FORGIVEN." Then hand out bold, red markers to everyone. No one understands forgiveness like one who has experienced and received it. If you have experienced and received it, pass it on.
I've been learning a lot about humility lately. Humility can feel like alcohol on a road burn. Saying no to ourselves when we don't want to hear it. It flat out hurts to do the right thing and takes conscious intervention, or we won't. Feel the pain. Do the right thing anyway just because its the right thing to do
Anger left to its own devices, creates a void, a bottomless pit. Many fall into it thinking they are doing good but they are actually destroying the exact thing they are fighting for.
One person is all it takes to make a whole group look bad. How can we account for the mistakes made on both sides? Does it require endless fighting until the last debt is paid and no one is left to grieve the loss? God help us all.