Friday, April 24, 2020

History is like truth.  We may not like it, but it is a force to be reckoned with.  When we seek to delete it,  act like it never happened … we also loose the ability to learn from it. 

Pay back scratches an itch deep inside somewhere but creates a clear gap in understanding … prolonging the healing process.  Humility and forgiveness are not for the faint hearted.

Without humility, there is no real learning. Just continuation of defense and fighting.  The planting of more ill sown seeds which will require us to go back and repeat a cycle doomed to play its self out over and over again.


It's been a while since I have posted anything. Usually just read and follow along with others. I realize that Ogallala Debates has become a vent page. I read posts written by folks that I know are really good people, although I don't agree with your politics, just as you don't agree with mine. I must zero in on this thought. I know that if I was walking down the street and in great danger, these same people who are hitting me and others with derogatory insults and slander for being a Trump supporter would also help me out. They would not check my party affiliation first.

 I keep reminding myself of this. I watched a video of two big bull elks competing against each other until they locked horns and could not get apart. They died that way. Which one won? Fighting words bring on fighting words. Somewhere in those fighting words are real people who are afraid, angry and often hurt. On both sides. Because that is where the answer lies. Nobody has the whole picture and the whole truth. When we start thinking we do, we become just like those we fight against.

Uncle Chuck, as far as wonderful uncles go … I am blessed to know that you have not gone far...

A golden door just opened up and you walked through. On this side, Uncle Chuck, we feel great loss. Through the door, a Family celebration awaits.

Our Christmas Holiday takes on new meaning as we remember that, the Babe in the manger became the man on the cross. The man on the cross, was also the man in the tomb but he wasn't meant to stay there. Earth just couldn't keep Him.

They say, "You can't keep a good man down," Truth is, you can't keep a "God Man" down. And we wouldn't want to, even if we could.

Go with our blessing, Uncle Chuck.

Who's driving the fear train? When it stops at your station and before you join the others on board … think things out well. Make sure that it is going to where you want to be, not just away from someplace else.  Fear will drive you around in circles and by the time you reach it's station, you might find it is safer back on board.... even if it really isn't.  

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Someday My Prince will come ...

Someday I'll find the One

Who will love me just as I am

But too much to leave me that way ...

Therefore, will I pass Him by?

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


Pronounced: Big "IT" Tree

Definition: Placing one's self in the exalted position of JUDGE over others.

Commonly, referred to as the "Big Idiot," but often shortened by the dropping of 3 middle letters for the sake of convenience.

"She did the best she could for what she knew . She loved butterflies and roses and that's the legacy she left me to pass on. I will not pass on the pain that was passed on to her..."

A friend shares her story:

"Right about now is about the time a year ago, that I got the call to say my last words I would ever get to say to my mom. I had dreaded this call for so many years. I thought my hope was over. I always hoped she would one day get to love her life and leave drugs in a place far from her. Instead drugs took over every part of her and consumed places that once was the brightest with in her. I've decided to enjoy all that I can about her. The pain I feel isn't so much because I lost a mom because I didn't have that for a long time but that a beautiful life wasn't really given a full opportunity to live the life they were supposed to.

Some may say well that was her choice and, it was. But my moms chances were taken from her at a young age. She didnt bounce back or over come. She had 5 children and enjoyed the unconditional love a child will give, because she truly wanted to be loved. She was born with oblong hip joints and Having lost her mom to suicide at just 10 . Living with a very abusive uncle until she would escape to be married in Porta Rico at age 16. There she entered whole new abuse. My mom's story is one that I've only heard in bits in pieces in-between sober moments.

She had a green thumb and could out grow, Im pretty sure any master Gardner if ever given the chance. Once jumbo sunflowers the size of a small car tire lined her entire fence line and her zuchini could be stuffed to feed a village.

I know that there are people like me who just thought my mom didn't love me. But I've learned my mom loved me with the best that she had, with all that she was given. She did the best she could for what she knew . She loved butterflies and roses and that's the legacy she left me to pass on. I will not pass on the pain that was passed on to her."

How much garlic can a gargoyle gargle if a gargoyle gargles garlic? 

These profound questions come to me late at night … when I should be sleeping in my bed, not upright at my computer.  (O:  Kind of like the dream that just couldn't wait! LOL

Friday, April 17, 2020

I am hearing that "F Word Family" spoken a lot lately.  You know, words like fear,  foreboding, faintheartedness, fright and … phobia.  Of course these come very naturally in times like this.  That doesn't mean we should allow them to take control of us though.  This virus thing has not been easy for any of us to reconcile with.  And it has been harder on some than others!

An old phrase comes to my mind, "How shall we then live"?  More accurately, today we are faced with asking ourselves, "How shall we then die"?  You see, when fear takes over, we loose our ability to choose life.  Often the thing which seems right in our own eyes (directed by fear) is actually the thing that gets us.  The consequences of following in fear's footsteps can take us where we do not want to be.

It seems that we are given a "no-win" choice.  The virus or the economy.  When we use the word, economy, it is easier to treat as an afterthought.  Economy is just a blanket name for so many things. Say the word virus though and our ears and senses awaken.  When we change the wording from "economy" to "joblessness, bills, family and all the things life has meant to us in general,"  we realize that neither one can be taken lightly.  If we want easy, we don't have it.  What can we do?  

For the first time in a long time, Americans have been put on notice. We are not invincible. There is more to life than our own feelings, experiences, toys, labels, entertainment and stuff.  But it is NOT the end of the world unless, of course, these things are the only world you know.  A wise pastor once said, "When you come to a wall, climb it and take the next level."  Thank you Pastor Paul for leaving us those words of wisdom.  That is where we are at right now!

Response and reaction.  Two words so similar but there is a world of difference between them.  Both, involve being triggered by an incident … both, counteractions to an event or action which comes our way.  In times of stress, will we be able to control the fear and make choices based on the very best reasoning powers possible?  Or will we, in our troubled state, let fear control and keep us from doing what we can?

How does a first responder decide who to help when they are called onto the scene of an accident?  I will tell you, if there are too many victims they have to make a choice.  They work with the people who they think they can save.  Here's the truth.  Firefighters and paramedics have to be prepared BEFORE they come onto the scene of an accident.  They must make quick decisions as to who they can help and who they can't.  Yes, that means they often must choose who to work with. That is why their job is so hard.  They do what they can.  But if a first responder comes on the scene unprepared and is overcome by fear or panic ...  no one will receive help.  Fear will already make those life/death decisions for them.

This is not a doomsday message.  It's a, think it out well before you commit, message, because there are consequences either way.  We have no easy answer but the future cannot decide for itself.  We have to take courage and move forward, past fear.

This is not a time to feel sorry for ourselves.  No pity parties allowed, unless they are limited to 10 people and who keep the distance of 6 feet between them.  A little attempt at humor.  (Very little in fact, lol)  The American people must be strong now.  How many people will loose their lives from this virus? We don't know but we must weigh that unknown number against another fact we cannot control either, lives lost from depression, stress,  anxiety and addiction over a failed economy system resulting in the loss of jobs and personal livelihood.

Just like an echo, what we send out comes back.  If we send out a shout, "I am afraid," what will return?  Agreement.  Too much agreement between yourself and fear is not good.  You may not feel it, but try shouting out instead:

"God has not given me the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 

 (2 Timothy 1:7)

An echo doesn't choose, it just delivers what it hears.  Choose the voices you listen to carefully.  You become just like them.



Friday, April 10, 2020

Why is it that in our society, we don't know how to fix a problem without first finding someone to blame and destroy? What would we do if the "Blame Game" app was cancelled and replaced with the "Humility and Accountability For All," app? Half the problems we are blaming on the other side would be gone simply because … we are all pretty much just as guilty as the rest, these flaws are just harder for us to spot in ourselves.  Most of us, frankly, can acknowledge this. So why do we continue on in this unhealthy manner; these double standards? Stupidity, just another name for politics. Who us?  LOL

Friday, April 3, 2020

When there is humility and respect between generations, gaps are removed and bridges are built.