I think at the true root of flag disrespecting is the reality that many do not know what Old Glory really stands for, neither do they know the story behind the writing of The Star Spangled Banner. American History has been shunned and rewritten in the present/past years and our kids have little understanding of what the flag stands for. They think it is a symbol of America which they are not happy with right now. They do not know that the flag stands for much, much more ... our soldiers lost and wounded, who can no longer stand on their own ... as well as those who are still putting their own lives on the line, for the sake of the rest of us here at home.
You don't become a celebrity football player by slacking off. There is much training and some sacrifice involved. These players deserve some respect. But, for them there is also fame and fortune. They enjoy the material rewards of stardom. Our soldiers just do their jobs, praying for peace, fighting for their country and saluting both the flag covering their lost comrades and the life given. If you can't stand for the flag itself, stand for the men and women who have died so that we would have the opportunity to protest and become better.
The American Colonies were established by folks who left England to settle in a new land. Today, we will not board a boat and sail off into the sunset in search of a new land. Common Ground is that New Land which we must seek to settle, right here in America. But that doesn't make it any easier.
Remember, America may be the center of our universe but it is also located on the bull's eye of some real enemies. In their eyes, American life does not matter .... period. As we spend our energy fighting each other and resisting reconciliation, they watch and wait for our vulnerabilities. What good would it do for us to solve all of our civil problems just to learn that we have been taken out by a real enemy.